Alesha Brown, The Joy Guru

Fear of the Unknown

If you suffer from Fear of the Unknown, you must be a perfectionist and control freak like me. Shhhh, it’s our secret: at least give me credit for making some progress.
We are funny creatures. We did not create ourselves or the universe, but we still believe that we are supposed to KNOW IT ALL. But here is the problem:

We practice blind faith in almost every situation, every day, except for when it’s time to invest in ourselves. If the truth be told, you don’t fear the unknown: you fear that you will not be equipped for ALL future events.

Make peace with the above fact and know that everything you will ever need, in every situation, was birthed in you when you made your entrance into this world. I will repeat:

Alesha Brown, The Joy Guru
Publisher|Best Selling Author|Transformational Speaker
CEO, Alesha Brown LLC     

"It's never too late to edit your life and I can help!"

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